Every year the tax time approaches in Australia and this year couldn’t have been an exception either. Despite the brunt of the Covid-19 pandemic you need to lodge your tax returns in Australia effectively. The JobKeeper and JobSeeker payments and working from home will supposedly affect the manner of your tax-preparation and lodgement. May be your employment situation has altered or you have received financial aid from the government. If not, then, maybe you were compelled to work from home due to Covid-19. Nevertheless, you’re thinking that how to lodge a tax return and reduce taxes this year as well.
Before you contemplate upon how to reduce taxable income in Australia, you must lodge tax return in Australia. You can lodge a tax return in Australia if you’ve earned an income over $18,201 between 1st July 2021 and 30th June 2022. You still need to lodge an Australian tax return if you haven’t earned above this threshold as an imperative criterion.
The Australian Taxation Office trusts those taxpayers who maintain their financial and tax records impeccably. You can keep your records either in a digital format or on paper. In case you’ve made digital or paper copies, they should be a clear and genuine copy of the original. The best option, however, is to keep a back-up of all your digital records. Besides, all your documents should be in English except for your expenses that were incurred outside Australia.
You should organise all your taxing and financial records into the following categories.
At times, you might be required to arrange your records across some more categories. Alternatively, you can also keep these records for some of your other family members like for family-tax-benefit etc.
Read More:- Individual Tax Deductions You Should Know About To Maximize Your Returns
Here are some of the most common tax deduction which you can claim before lodging your tax return in Australia.
Remember, that these deductions particularly refer to some necessary expenses incurred as an important part of your employment career. Say, for instance, deductions which flight attendants can claim on their uniform is not applicable for teachers. It results in erroneous claiming of deductions amongst all the eligible taxpayers in Australia.
A reasonable amount of capital gains tax is incurred on your investment property in Australia. Again, there are ways on how to minimize capital gains tax when selling your investment property.
Reassess the actual valuation of your property by appointing a licensed valuer. New price estimation will ensure prospective CGT gains for you.
People who own property for the past year are entitled to a 50% discount on any gain they’ve made on their property.
These are some of the crucial information to help you sail through tax return lodgement. Make sure you keep them in mind while lodging tax returns.
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